Harvesting Ideas and Knowledge

To run workshops and meetings, collecting information from a group is often necessary. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Participants discuss their experience
  • Brainstorming : Ask a question and collect on a flipchart
  • Brainstorming: On a sheet of paper in groups
  • Participants move freely among three flipcharts with one topic each and write down their ideas
  • Hand out cards. Participants collect and write down ideas to a topic
  • One Question Survey. Each participant gets one question which they walk around and ask as many other participants within 5-10 minutes as possible. Participants collect ideas and give a report.
  • Discuss and Debrief recap. Participants talk to each other for 60', then report some points

collected by 50 Toastmasters on the D59 Spring Conference 2014, edited by Kristian Rother

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