Icebreaker Activities

Welcome the Guests

Before the meeting starts, walk around and greet guests (with handshake)

When the meeting starts, ask each guest to introduce themselves and how they heard about the meeting.

Expectation round

Ask people what they want to learn.

Answer a question

Pass one question to all participants, e.g.:

  • what makes a good public speaker?
  • What makes a bad public speaker?

Introduction in pairs

Pairs of people introduce each other to the rest of the audience

  • 2' discussion in pair
  • presentation in 30'


  • Write INTRODUCTION to the board
  • give participants 1-2 minutes or 3 questions for introducing themselves
  • ask every participant to introduce themselves
  • add names so that letters already on the board are used


  • Energize through short stretch activity
  • High 5 and "I am happy to be here!"

collected by 50 Toastmasters on the D59 Spring Conference 2014, edited by Kristian Rother

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