The Project Presentation

Your Goal

Present a Data Science project you have done to a mixed technical and non-technical audience. Describe the relevance of the project, e.g. a business case with projected cost vs. gain for a company, or the value for a person. Cover the data, the technologies used, the overall project structure, the results and your interpretation. Use visualizations to illustrate your points. Choose a clear structure consisting of 3-4 major parts that are clearly discernible. In a nutshell, use everything you learned in the previous four projects.

Your project presentation becomes unique if you include your motivation behind the project. Why did you choose this project? Why did you choose those technologies? It should become clear that you are the best possible person for this project.


20 minutes + 5 minutes Q & A

Questions for evaluators

  • What did you like about the presentation?
  • How was the presentation structured?
  • Did the presentation appear well-prepared?
  • Did the presenter appear well-prepared?
  • How did the presenter handle the Q & A session?
  • What could the speaker do differently?
  • Would you hire the speaker?

Example Talk

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