Filling Word Counter

A good speech is delivered withouth the use of filling words. As Filling Word Counter you watch out for words like "ehm", "hm", "and" and count them. This is a demanding task that requires some concentration.

Your task

  • Explain your role when asked by the chairperson.
  • Count „ehm“ etc. in all speeches and roles on a piece of paper.
  • Give the speaker an acoustic signal (with a bell or similar) whenever they use a filling word. Do not give the signal in early speech projects.
  • Signal only the first three filling words.
  • Present a brief summary at the end of the meeting.


  • Pay attention to other filling words and -sounds as well.
  • Provide sensitive feedback.

Exemplary introduction of the role

"As Filling Word Counter I pay attention to the use of filling words. That is, I give an acoustic signal on each "ahm" and write them down. I will signal only the first three "emhs" and do not signal on early speeches and guests. At the end I will give a report."

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