Word Watcher

Your task

As Word Watcher you observe the use of English language during the meeting. You recognize and praise good examples and give recommendations how to improve less lucky choice of words. You also present a word of the day.

Your role raises awareness for good verbal expressions among all participants

  • Explain your role when asked by the meeting facilitator.
  • Write down noteworthy expressions, figures of speech or rhetoric devices (both good and questionable ones), so that you can read them out completely later.
  • Give a brief report of your observations at the end.

Noteworthy expressions

  • figures of speech
  • figurative language
  • metaphors and other rhetorical devices
  • colloquial speech and foreign words, if they don't fit to the speech
  • particularly beautiful or incorrect grammar


  • Take care to give sensitive and motivating feedback.

Exemplary introduction of the role

*"To be heard it is not only important what you say, but also how ou say it. For instance, alliterations will be easily remembered by your audience.

As Word Watcher I am thankful for every virtuous use of language. I also keep an ear open for not entirely successful phrases. At the end of the evening I will give a report on the phrases I found."*

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