The Meeting Chairperson

Your task

As Chairperson you are the host of the meeting. You guide through the program and are a key person for a successful club meeting. The Chairperson creates an atmosphere of interest, curiousity and mutual support. This task requires proper preparation to guarantee a smoothly running meeting.

Before the meeting

  • Prepare an introduction for each speaker.
  • Arrive ahead of time to accomodate last-minute changes.
  • Find out whether there are changes among the speakers or speech titles
  • Ask the speakers whether they need any specific preparation of the stage
  • Ask the coordinator of the meeting (e.g. VP Education) whether there are any other changes in the agenda.

During the meeting

  • Present the structure of the meeting. Mention the main parts (e.g. prepared speeches, impromptu speeches, feedback).
  • Introduce the team members and let them explain their roles (timer, camera, listener etc.).
  • Introduce each speaker briefly before their speech. Ask the speech evaluator to explain the speech project.
  • After introducing the speaker, remain at the lectern and welcome the speaker on the stage with a handshake. Then sit down.
  • After each speech, give the audience 90 seconds for a written feedback for the speaker.
  • Repeat the procedure for all speakers in the same way.
  • After the speeches, ask the timer for a report.
  • Repeat the names of the speakers and speech titles. Ask the audience to elect the best speaker.
  • Announce the break.


  • Your task is to make the speakers look good. Your own contributions do not need to be rhetorically impressive - this would deprive the speakers of an opportunity to shine!
  • Give all roles enough room to explain their roles themselves - do not anticipate any details.
  • Prepare short contributions to bridge gaps between the points on the agenda. Maybe you won't need them but it is good to be prepared.
  • Keep an eye on time, stick to the agenda. If necessary shorten or extend your contributions.

Optional Tasks

  • Prepare an overarching topic for the meeting.
  • Coordinate the topic of the day with other roles, e.g. the moderator of impromptu speeches.

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