Present an Article


Give a speech about an article you read.


In this speech, you rehearse summarizing a piece of text. Familiarize with an article from a magazine or book. If you haven't done this before, a one-page article is enough. The purpose of this speech is to extract the main message from a longer text.


3-5 minutes

Questions for preparation

  • What is the central message of the article?
  • Which words from the article may require explanation?
  • Do you need a visual aid (picture, slide, one is enough)?
  • Do you want to add your own opinion at the end or not?
  • What can you do to stay on time?

Questions for evaluators

  • What strong points did you find in the speech? Name one or more!
  • What did you understand about the article?
  • Would you like to read the article yourself?

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