The Live Demo

Your Goal

Show how to use a technology or process to an audience of Data Scientists using a laptop or whiteboard.

Using a laptop for a live demonstration is a small but tricky project. Interacting on a laptop during your presentation makes it difficult to establish and maintain direct contact with your audience (dialog, eye contact).

Using a whiteboard to guide your audience through the steps of a process (e.g. a calculation or algorithm) makes it easier to maintain contact. The main project here is to write legibly and to talk to the audience instead of the board.

Prepare by thinking through how you can organize your demonstration in a way that engages the audience and avoids technical problems.


5-7 minutes

Questions for evaluators

  • What did you like most about the presentation?
  • How did the speaker maintain contact with the audience?
  • How did the speaker prepare to handle technical difficulties?
  • How did visualization help your understanding?
  • What could the speaker do differently?
  • What did you learn?

Extra Material

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