Warm-up exercises

This section contains three possible ways you may initiate the workshop or re-ignite the group after a break.


Start thinking what time management is about

1. Measuring a minute

In this exercise, you ask everybody to close their eyes and open them when they think one minute has passed.

Time required

2 minutes


  1. Explain the task
  2. Ask everybody to close their eyes
  3. Start a timer
  4. Show time with your fingers (in intervals of 10 seconds) or display it by projecting a stopwatch (e.g. www.online-stopwatch.com/).

The results should be somewhat spread out. The take home message is that "Tracking time precisely does not come naturally for most of us".

2. Quotes on time

See what wise people have said on time.

Time required

5 minutes.


  1. Print the quotes (see materials) on A6 cards or other pieces of paper.
  2. Place the quotes in the middle of the participants (distribute them on the floor or table).
  3. Ask participants to pick their favourite and explain why they picked it.

If you are talking to a big audience, just having some of the quotes read or putting the quotes in visible places is fine as well.

3. Team Challenge Icebreaker

In this exercise, teams of 3-6 people compete to solve as many tasks as possible within 10 minutes. While doing a bit of fun nonsense, the teams are forced to prioritize and pick tasks. The exercise should work with at least 2 teams.

A detailed description of this exercise can be found on http://www.corporatetrainingmaterials.com/downloads/samples/Time_Management_Instructor_Manual_Sample.pdf.

Time required

20 minutes


  • 1 sheet with tasks per team
  • 4 sheets of paper per team, preferably in different colors
  • pens

Safety Precaution!

Some of the tasks involve running around in the room. You need to make sure in advance that there is enough space and there are no obstacles that participants could trip over (cables) or that they could destroy (projectors, Ming vases, drinks).


Complete as many tasks in 10 minutes as possible.


  1. Place the materials + task sheet (upside-down) in reach of the participants
  2. Divide up the participants into teams
  3. Ask teams to turn the task sheet face up
  4. Start the timer
  5. After 10 minutes, stop the timer
  6. Ask some questions for debriefing

Questions for Debriefing

  • Are there any similarities to research?
  • What skills did you use?
  • What information did you need?
  • How did you decide what to do?
  • What helped you decide what to do?
  • Was the list of tasks helpful?

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