Basic Time Managemant Tools

In the table below, you find a list of typical problems Time Management helps to solve. The right column contains tools that may help you. Many of them are explained in this book, others you will have to look up.

Problem Area Solutions
I am trying to do too many things at the same time work efficiency Stop multitasking, Pareto principle, 5 basic options, Kanban, S4, meetings, reading
I am frequently interrupted while executing tasks Priorities Covey Matrix, POOCOO, setting boundaries, 10 small steps vs. procrastination, reasons for procrastination, email, bosses, phone
I have difficulties finishing the things I started focus flow, pomodoro, burndown, progress visualization
I am frustrated because I seem not to advance at all focus burndown, progress visualization, celebrate success, success wall
I seem to lose energy in what I am doing scheduling 5 critical times, biorhythms, OATS, 3 daily goals, weekly goals, Kanban
I end up doing too much for other people and too little for myself value your own interest ways to say no, who/what/how, goals
Things take me much longer than I thought planning estimating, retrospectives, burndown
I have no idea where my time goes analysis time log
My work generelly feels unorganized project management PM basics, project plan, milestones/deliverables, SMART goals
I don't know where I am going goals SMART goals, word of the year, personal development plan, daily/weekly goals
There is too much chaos around me priorities cleaning up, S4, Kanban

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