10 Ways to say No

saying no

Saying no to other people is one of the most difficult things that keeps us from managing our time effectively. The trick is to know your options ranging from a half-yes to an outright no. Here are ten examples:

1. Promise to do it later

"I can't do it right now, but I will deal with it tomorrow morning."

2. Expect something in return

"Of course, but I will need someone to look at my evaluation."

3. Refer to someone elses expertise

"I can't review the manuscript, but I can name you 3 people who can."

4. Ask to come back later

"I need to get this done today and I don't know how long it takes. Could you ask me again this afternoon?"

5. Delay the response

"It's hard for me to tell right now, but I will let you know tomorrow."

6. Be unavailable

Close your door, switch off you phone and email - many less important requests will never reach you.

7. Offer a small favor

"I can't review the manuscript, but I can take care of your PCR this afternoon."

8. Show gratitude for being asked

"Thank you for considering me .."

9. Give a hard reason why you decline

Giving a reason that has nothing to do with the other person.

"I can't do it, because .."

10. Say no

When everything else fails, you still have a blunt "No as an option.


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