Problems Addressed

Multitasking doesn't work


Psychological studies support that multitasking does not save time. Switching between tasks may result in a loss of productivity (Rubinsteim, Meyer, and Evans, 2001). Also, your concentration may suffer in the long run.

Therefore, the purpose of many time management techniques is to help you avoid multitasking.

Sun Tzu says:

If the enemy prepares to defend the front, the back will be weak. If he prepares to defend the back, the front will be weak. If he prepares to defend the left, the right will be weak. If he prepares to defend the right, the left will be weak. If he prepares to defend everywhere, everywhere will be weak.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Dealing with Pressure


Too many tasks, unclear tasks and short deadlines generate pressure and stress. Too much stress over too much time affects you happyness, health, productivity etc. Let's figure out how to deflect or reduce the pressure.

Finding Balance


Balancing means that you need to find a balance that works for you. E.g. if you have a heavy head you need to pour some liquid into the Erlenmeyer flask, and if you lift your feet, you need to take some liquid out.

Balancing your work life and your private life and whatever other life you have is one of the keys to long-term success and happyness.


Rubinsteim, J., Meyer, D. & Evans, J. (2001). Executive control of cognitive processes in task switching. Journal of Experimental Psychology – Human Perception and Performance, 27(4), 763-797.

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