Writing Files

Exercise 1

Form pairs of Python commands and their meanings.

file exercise

Exercise 2

Execute the following program. Explain what happens.

names = ['Adam', 'Bob', 'Charlie']

f = open('boys.txt', 'w')
for name in names:
    f.write(name + '\n')

Exercise 3

Remove the + '\n' from the program and execute it again. What happens?

Exercise 4

Complete the following statements by int() or str() so that all of them work.

 In [1]: 9 + 9

 In [2]: 9 + '9'

 In [3]: '9' + '9'

 In [4]: 9 * '9'

Exercise 5

Write a program that writes the following data into a two-column text file.

names = ["Emma", "Olivia", "Sophia", "Isabella", 
         "Ava", "Mia", "Emily"]
values = [20799, 19674, 18490, 16950, 
           15586, 13442, 12562]

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