
Data frequently occurs in the form of tables. To process tables in Python, it helps to know that we can put lists in other lists. These are also called nested lists.

A simple table in Python looks like this:

# columns: Name, #California, #New York
  ["Emily", 2269, 881],
  ["Amy", 542, 179],
  ["Penny", 54, 12],
  ["Bernadette", 21, 11]

In this chapter we will deal with creating and processing nested lists.

Exercise 1

Write all rows of the above table to the screen with a for loop.

Exercise 2

Write all cells of the table to the screen with a double for loop.

Exercise 3

Create an empty table of 10 x 10 cells and fill them with numbers from 1 to 100.

Exercise 4

Sort the above table by the second column. Use the following code sniplet:

from operator import itemgetter

results matching ""

    No results matching ""