Create a Postcard

Write a program that creates a postcard for the city of your choice.

Welcome to Poznan

1. Install Pillow

`pip install pillow`

(it is already installed with Anaconda)

2. Learn to know PIL

Exercise 2.1

Run the program What does it do?

Exercise 2.2

Change the numbers in the program, so that you create a square-shaped image.

3. Drawing shapes

Exercise 3.1

Run the program What does it do?

Exercise 3.2

Add a broad horizontal bar to an image of your favourite city.

Exercise 3.3

for fast students

Draw a 8-pointed star on an image of your favourite city.

Hint: You can compose such a star from squares, triangles or polygons.

4. Drawing text

Exercise 4.1

Run the program What does it do?

Exercise 4.2

Write the text "Welcome to (your city)" to the shape from exercise 3.2.

5. Composing images

Exercise 5.1

Run the program What does it do?

Exercise 5.2

Create a postcard composed of four smaller pictures, the horizontal bar and some text on it.

6. Applying filters

Exercise 6.1

Run the program What does it do?

Exercise 6.2

Be creative!


(c) 2015 Dr. Kristian Rother and Magdalena Rother

Distributed under the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike License 4.0

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