Speech Projects for Data Scientists

by Dr. Kristian Rother

Who are these speech projects for?

As a Data Scientist you are asked to present your findings in a convincing and effective manner to various cross-functional team members and decision makers. You are a key player connecting the fields of programming, statistics and business thinking. Communicating and presenting your data analytics results is a important skill that can be trained like a muscle. This workbook contains five exercises to improve your communications skills as a Data Scientist.

This workbook contains five speech projects that will train your communication skills and excel your data science career:

  1. The Lightning Talk
  2. The Live Demo
  3. The Educational Session
  4. Selling an Idea
  5. The Project Presentation

For your learning sucess, positive, supportive evaluations are key. The speeches are best executed in a mutually supportive environment with domain experts: a learners meetup, or a Data Science Boot Camp. As long as you make sure you have supportive people for feedback around, it can work in other places as well.


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