Speech Projects

What are these speech projects good for?

This manual contains projects to rehearse public speaking and other communication skills.

If you want to improve your speaking skills in a given area, or simply want to become better at giving presentations, there is a simple way: speak! Like good runners run a lot and good programmers program a lot, good speakers become good by speaking a lot.

The speech projects described here are stepping stones on the path of improving as a speaker. Each project consists of a speaking assignment focusing on one particular aspect of a speech, so that you can develop your skills in portions.

And, most importantly, this is an exercise that is meant to be fun.

How to use the material?

It is a simple three-step process:

  1. Find a place to speak.
  2. Give the speech for one of the projects.
  3. Collect feedback by someone who has read the project description.

The chapters of this book contain projects targeted to specific audiences.

Where can I learn more?

  1. Read the Frequently Asked Questions
  2. Sign up for updates


Contribtions to this work were made by:

Jörg Würster, Barbara Strauß, Harald von Treuenfels, Jasmin Touati, Raimo Graf, Sascha Goldmann, Schorsch Tschürtz, Armando Cristofori, Barbara Bosch, Magdalena Rother, Ulrike Münzner and Kristian Rother.

Edited by Kristian Rother.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

You may use, share and modify it under the same conditions, but not use it commercially. See www.creativecommons.org for details.

Individual chapters may fall under a less restrictive license (noted there).


This document is work in progress. If you would like to contribute, you are invited to:

For any of the above, contact Kristian Rother ([email protected])

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